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Alaó Gatius Puchercós

Alaó Gatius Puchercós

Grau: Màster



  • Hernández, S; Salvany, S; CASANOVAS, A; PIEDRAFITA, L; Soto-Bernardini, MC; Tarabal, O; Blasco, A; Gras, S; Gatius, A; Schwab, MH; Calderó, J; ESQUERDA, JE

    Persistent NRG1 Type III Overexpression in Spinal Motor Neurons Has No Therapeutic Effect on ALS-Related Pathology in SOD1G93A Mice

    NEUROTHERAPEUTICS 20 1820-1834. .


  • Franco-Espin, J; Gatius, A; Armengol, JA; Arumugam, S; Moradi, M; Sendtner, M; Caldero, J; Tabares, L

    SMN Is Physiologically Downregulated at Wild-Type Motor Nerve Terminals but Aggregates Together with Neurofilaments in SMA Mouse Models.

    Biomolecules 12 -. .


  • Gras, S; Blasco, A; Modol-Caballero, G; Tarabal, O; CASANOVAS, A; PIEDRAFITA, L; Barranco, A; Das, T; Salvany, S; Gatius, A; Pereira, SL; Navarro, X; Rueda, R; ESQUERDA, JE; CALDERO, J

    Motoneuron deafferentation and neuroinflammation in association with aging in the spinal cord of C57BL/6J mice.

    Glia 69 474-475. .

  • Salvany, S; CASANOVAS, A; PIEDRAFITA, L; Gras, S; Blasco, A; Gatius, A; Tarabal, O; Hernandez, S; CALDERO, J; ESQUERDA, JE

    Necroptosis and microglial phagocytosis of extracellular vesicles as an early mechanisms involved in the disruption of afferent synaptic terminals on spinal cord motor neurons after acute peripheral nerve injury

    Glia 69 317-318. .

  • Gatius, A; Tarabal, O; Cayuela, P; Casanovas, A; Piedrafita, L; Salvany, S; Hernandez, S; Soler, RM; Esquerda, JE; Caldero, J

    The Y172 Monoclonal Antibody Against p-c-Jun (Ser63) Is a Marker of the Postsynaptic Compartment of C-Type Cholinergic Afferent Synapses on Motoneurons




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  • Preclinical Analisis of new combinatorial treatments for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA): Effects on motorneuron survival, synaptic integrity, and skeletal muscle preservation.