Directori de persones
Mariona Badia Castello

Mariona Badia Castello

Grau: Doctor/a



  • Ortiz, N; Castello, J; Castello, M; Corsellas, J; Jimenez, G; Ruiz, J; Freire, A; Hernandez, D; Goixart, L

    Implementation of a severe trauma assistance team: Analysis of activation and attendance times in patients admitted to the ICU

    Medicina Intensiva 47 427-436. .


  • Montserrat Ortiz, N; Trujillano Cabello, J; Badia Castello, M; Vilanova Corsellas, J; Jimenez Jimenez, G; Rubio Ruiz, J; Pujol Freire, A; Morales Hernandez, D; Servia Goixart, L

    Implementation of a major trauma team. Analysis of activation and care times in patients admitted to the ICU.

    Medicina Intensiva 47 427-436. .


  • Serviá L; Llompart-Pou JA; Chico-Fernández M; Montserrat N; Badia M; Barea-Mendoza JA; Ballesteros-Sanz MÁ; Trujillano J

    Development of a new score for early mortality prediction in trauma ICU patients: RETRASCORE.

    Critical Care 25 420-420. .


  • Serviá L; Montserrat N; Badia M; Llompart-Pou JA; Barea-Mendoza JA; Chico-Fernández M; Sánchez-Casado M; Jiménez JM; Mayor DM; Trujillano J

    Machine learning techniques for mortality prediction in critical traumatic patients: anatomic and physiologic variables from the RETRAUCI study.



  • Badia M; Casanova JM; Serviá L; Montserrat N; Codina J; Trujillano J

    Dermatological Manifestations in the Intensive Care Unit: A Practical Approach.

    Critical Care Research And Practice 2020 9729814-9729814. .


  • Blazquez, V; Rodriguez, A; Sandiumenge, A; Oliver, E; Cancio, B; Ibañez M; Miro, G; Navas, E; Badia, M; Bosque, MD; Jurado, MT; Lopez, M; Llaurado, M; Masnou, N; Pont, T; Bodi, M

    Factors related to limitation of life support within 48 h of intensive care unit admission: A multicenter study

    Medicina Intensiva 43 352-361. .


  • Servia, L; Jove, M; Sol, J; Pamplona, R; Badia, M; Montserrat, N; Portero-Otin, M; Trujillano, J

    A prospective pilot study using metabolomics discloses specific fatty acid, catecholamine and tryptophan metabolic pathways as possible predictors for a negative outcome after severe trauma



  • Servia, L; Badia, M; Montserrat, N; Trujillano, J

    Severity scores in trauma patients admitted to ICU. Physiological and anatomic models

    Medicina Intensiva 43 26-34. .


  • Servia, L; Serrano JCE; Pamplona, R; Badia, M; Montserrat, N; Portero-Otin, M; Trujillano, J

    Location-dependent effects of trauma on oxidative stress in humans

    PLOS ONE 13 -. .


  • Badia M; Iglesias S; Serviá L; Domingo J; Gormaz P; Vilanova J; Gavilan R; Trujillano J

    Mortality predictive factors in patients with urinary sepsis associated to upper urinary tract calculi

    Medicina Intensiva 39 290-297. .


  • Badia, M.; Montserrat, N.; Serviá, L.; Baeza, I.; Bello, G.; Vilanova, J.; Rodríguez-Ruiz, S.; Trujillano, J.

    Severe complications of orotracheal intubation in the Intensive Care Unit: An observational study and analysis of risk factors

    Medicina Intensiva 39 26-33. .


  • Bodí, M.A.; Pont, T.; Sandiumenge, A.; Oliver, E.; Gener, J.; Badía, M.; Mestre, J.; Muñoz, E.; Esquirol, X.; Llauradó, M.; Twose, J.; Quintana, S.

    Potencialidad de donación de órganos en muerte encefálica y limitación del tratamiento de soporte vital en los pacientes neurocríticos

    Medicina Intensiva 39 337-344. .



  • Influència de l obesitat en l evolució de la pneumònia adquirida a la comunitat