Grup d’Estudi de la Cognició i la Conducta
- Nombre de publicacions
- 92
Sarto, J; Esteller-Gauxax, D; Guillén, N; Falgas, N; Borrego-ecija, S; Massons, M; Fernández-Villullas, G; González, Y; Tort-Merino, A; Bosch, B; Castellvi, M; Piñol-Ripoll, G; Juncà-Parella, J; del Val, A; Pérez-Millan, A; Comas, A; Antonell, A; Naranjo, L; Ruiz-García, R; Augé, JM; Sánchez-Valle, R; Lladó, A; Balasa, M
Accuracy and clinical applicability of plasma tau 181 and 217 for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis in a memory clinic cohort
Laserna-Mendieta, EJ; Casabona-Francés, S; Amorena, E; Savarino, EV; Pérez-Martínez, I; Blas-Jhon, L; Guardiola-Arévalo, A; Coletta, M; Pellegatta, G; Guagnozzi, D; Barrio, J; Perello, A; Betoré, E; Krarup, AL; Votto, M; Gutiérrez-Junquera, C; Naves, JE; Oliva, S; Sánchez-Vegazo, CT; Carrión, S; de la Riva, S; Espina-Cadenas, S; Fernández-Fernández, S; Llorente-Barrio, M; Pascual-Lopez, I; Masiques-Mas, ML; Honrubia-López, R; Dainese, R; Garcia-Morales, N; Cobian, J; Bisso-Zein, JK; Roales, V; Juan-Juan, A; Rodriguez-Sánchez, A; Feo-Ortega, S; Martín-Domínguez, V; Nantes-Castillejo, O; Nicolay-Maneru, J; Ghisa, M; Maniero, D; Suarez, A; Maray, I; Alvarez-García, M; Granja-Navacerrada, A; Penagini, R; Racca, F; Llerena-Castro, R; Santander, C; Arias, A; Lucendo, AJ; EUREOSand EoE CONNECT res grp
Sex-related differences in the presentation, management and response to treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis: Cross sectional analysis of EoE CONNECT registry
United European Gastroenterology Journal 12 1388-1398. .
Ballvé, A; Pizarro, J; Maisterra, O; Riba-Llena, I; Pujadas, F; Jimenez-Balado, J; Palasi, A; Cirach, M; Turner, MC; Sunyer, J; Delgado, P
Ambient air pollution, covert cerebrovascular disease and cognition: results from the ISSYS study
Gaeta, AM; Quijada-López, M; Barbé, F; Vaca, R; Pujol, M; Minguez, O; Sánchez-de-la-Torre, M; Muñoz-Barrutia, A; Piñol-Ripoll, G
Predicting Alzheimer's disease CSF core biomarkers: a multimodal Machine Learning approach
Carnes-Vendrell A; Piñol-Ripoll G; Ariza M; Cano N; Segura B; Junque C; Béjar J; Barrue C; Garolera M
Poor sleep quality may trigger cognitive deficits after recovery from COVID-19.
Frontiers in Psychology 15 1382875-1382875. .
Dakterzada, F; Cipriani, R; López-Ortega, R; Arias, A; Riba-Llena, I; Ruiz-Julián, M; Huerto, R; Tahan, N; Matute, C; Capetillo-Zarate, E; Piñol-Ripoll, G
Assessment of the Correlation and Diagnostic Accuracy between Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Alzheimer's Disease Biomarkers: A Comparison of the Lumipulse and Simoa Platforms
Dakterzada, F; Jové, M; Cantero, JL; Mota-Martorell, N; Pamplona, R; Piñoll-Ripoll, G
The shift in the fatty acid composition of the circulating lipidome in Alzheimer's disease
ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA 20 3322-3333. .
Dakterzada, F; Jové, M; Huerto, R; Carnes, A; Sol, J; Pamplona, R; Piñol-Ripoll, G
Cerebrospinal fluid neutral lipids predict progression from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease
Geroscience 46 683-696. .
Carnes-Vendrell, A; Piñol-Ripoll, G; Ariza, M; Cano, N; Segura, B; Junque, C; Béjar, J; Barrue, C; Garolera, M
Sleep quality in individuals with post-COVID-19 condition: Relation with emotional, cognitive and functional variables
Brain Behavior & Immunity-Health 35 100721-100721. .
Llorca-Bofí V; Batalla I; Ruiz-Julián M; Adrados-Pérez M; Buil-Reiné E; Piñol-Ripoll G; Gallart-Palau X; Torrent A
Lithium management of periodic mood fluctuations in behavioural frontotemporal dementia: a case report.
Frontiers in Psychiatry 14 1325145-1325145. .
Sol, J; Ortega-Bravo, M; Portero-Otín, M; Pinol-Ripoll, G; Ribas-Ripoll, V; Artigues-Barberà, E; Butí, M; Pamplona, R; Jové, M
Human lifespan and sex-specific patterns of resilience to disease: a retrospective population-wide cohort study
BMC MEDICINE 22 17-17. .
García-Alberca JM; de Rojas I; Sanchez-Mejias E; Garrido-Martín D; Gonzalez-Palma L; Jimenez S; Pino-Angeles A; Cruz-Gamero JM; Mendoza S; Alarcón-Martín E; Muñoz-Castro C; Real LM; Tena JJ; Polvillo R; Govantes F; Lopez A; Royo-Aguado JL; Navarro V; Gonzalez I; Ruiz M; Reyes-Engel A; Gris E; Bravo MJ; Lopez-Gutierrez L; Mejias-Ortega M; De la Guía P; López de la Rica M; Ocejo O; Torrecilla J; Zafra C; Nieto MD; Urbano C; Jiménez-Sánchez R; Pareja N; Luque M; García-Peralta M; Carrillejo R; Furniet MDC; Rueda L; Sánchez-Fernández A; Mancilla T; Peña I; García-Casares N; Moreno-Grau S; Hernández I; Montrreal L; Quintela I; González-Pérez A; Calero M; Franco-Macías E; Macías J; Menéndez-González M; Frank-García A; Huerto Vilas R; Diez-Fairen M; Lage C; García-Madrona S; García-González P; Valero S; Sotolongo-Grau O; Pérez-Cordón A; Rábano A; Arias Pastor A; Pastor AB; Espinosa A; Corma-Gómez A; Martín Montes Á; Sanabria Á; Martínez Rodríguez C; Buiza-Rueda D; Rodriguez-Rodriguez E; Ortega G; Alvarez I; Rosas Allende I; Pineda JA; Rosende-Roca M; Bernal Sánchez-Arjona M; Fernández-Fuertes M; Alegret M; Roberto N; Del Ser T; Garcia-Ribas G; Sánchez-Juan P; Pastor P; Piñol-Ripoll G; Bullido MJ; Álvarez V; Mir P; Medina M; Marquié M; Sáez ME; Carracedo Á; Laplana M; Tomas-Gallardo L; Orellana A; Tárraga L; Boada M; Fibla Palazon J; Vitorica J; Ruiz A; Guigo R; Gutierrez A; Royo JL
An Insertion Within SIRPß1 Shows a Dual Effect Over Alzheimer's Disease Cognitive Decline Altering the Microglial Response.
Journal Of Alzheimers Disease 98 601-618. .