Research > Chronic diseases, Surgery and Health Care

Research Group in Immunology and Metabolism (GRIM)

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Publications search
  • Puig-Jové C; Castelblanco E; Falguera M; Hernández M; Soldevila B; Julián MT; Teis A; Julve J; Barranco-Altirriba M; Franch-Nadal J; Puig-Domingo M; Ortega E; Amigó N; Alonso N; Mauricio D

    Advanced lipoprotein profile in individuals with normal and impaired glucose metabolism



  • Mediano, O; González Mangado N.; Montserrat, JM; Alonso-Alvarez, ML; Almendros, I; Alonso-Fernandez, A; Barbe, F; Borsini, E; Caballero-Eraso, C; Cano-Pumarega, I; de Carlos Villafranca F.; Carmona-Bernal, C; Carrillo Alduenda J.L.; Chiner, E; Cordero Guevara J.A.; de Manuel, L; Duran-Cantolla, J; Farre, R; Franceschini, C; Gaig, C; Garcia Ramos P.; Garcia-Rio, F; Garmendia, O; Gómez García T.; González Pondal S.; Hoyo Rodrigo M.B.; Lecube, A; Antonio Madrid J.; Maniegas Lozano L.; Martínez Carrasco J.L.; Masa, JF; Masdeu Margalef M.J.; Mayos Pérez M.; Mirabet Lis E.; Monasterio, C; Navarro Soriano N.; Olea de la Fuente E.; Plaza, G; Puertas Cuesta F.J.; Rabec, C; Resano, P; Rigau, D; Roncero, A; Ruiz, C; Salord, N; Saltijeral, A; Sampol Rubio G.; Sánchez Quiroga M.Á.; Sans Capdevila Ó.; Teixeira, C; Tinahones Madueño F.; Maria Togeiro S.; Troncoso Acevedo M.F.; Vargas Ramírez L.K.; Winck, J; Zabala Urionaguena N.; Egea, C; el Spanish Sleep Network

    [Translated article] International consensus document on obstructive sleep apnea [Documento internacional de consenso sobre apnea obstructiva del sueño]



  • Mediano O; González Mangado N; Montserrat JM; Alonso-Álvarez ML; Almendros I; Alonso-Fernández A; Barbé F; Borsini E; Caballero-Eraso C; Cano-Pumarega I; de Carlos Villafranca F; Carmona-Bernal C; Carrillo Alduenda JL; Chiner E; Cordero Guevara JA; de Manuel L; Durán-Cantolla J; Farré R; Franceschini C; Gaig C; Garcia Ramos P; García-Río F; Garmendia O; Gómez García T; González Pondal S; Hoyo Rodrigo MB; Lecube A; Madrid JA; Maniegas Lozano L; Martínez Carrasco JL; Masa JF; Masdeu Margalef MJ; Mayos Pérez M; Mirabet Lis E; Monasterio C; Navarro Soriano N; Olea de la Fuente E; Plaza G; Puertas Cuesta FJ; Rabec C; Resano P; Rigau D; Roncero A; Ruiz C; Salord N; Saltijeral A; Sampol Rubio G; Sánchez Quiroga MÁ; Sans Capdevila Ó; Teixeira C; Tinahones Madueño F; Maria Togeiro S; Troncos Acevedo MF; Vargas Ramírez LK; Winck J; Zabala Urionaguena N; Egea C; el Spanish Sleep Network

    International Consensus Document on Obstructive Sleep Apnea.



  • Vilarrasa N.; Bretón I.; Ballesteros-Pomar M.; Lecube A.; Goday A.; Pellitero S.; Sánchez R.; Zugasti A.; Ciudin A.; de Hollanda A.; Rubio M.A.

    Recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of hypoglycaemia after bariatric surgery

    Endocrinologia, Diabetes Y Nutricion 69 723-731. .


  • Sanchez, E; Santos, MD; Nuñez-Garcia M; Bueno, M; Sajoux, I; Yeramian, A; Lecube, A

    Randomized Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Morphological Changes in the Adventitial Vasa Vasorum Density and Biological Markers of Endothelial Dysfunction in Subjects with Moderate Obesity Undergoing a Very Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet.

    Nutrients 14 -. .


  • Purroy F; Sánchez E; Lecube A; Arqué G; Vicente-Pascual M; Mauri-Capdevila G; Torreguitart N; Hernández M; Barbé F; Fernández E; Pamplona R; Farràs C; Mauricio D; Bermúdez-López M

    Prevalence and Predictors of Cerebral Microangiopathy Determined by Pulsatility Index in an Asymptomatic Population From the ILERVAS Project.

    Frontiers in Neurology 12 785640-785640. .


  • Rojo-López MI; Castelblanco E; Real J; Hernández M; Falguera M; Amigó N; Julve J; Alonso N; Franch-Nadal J; Granado-Casas M; Mauricio D

    Advanced Quantitative Lipoprotein Characteristics Do Not Relate to Healthy Dietary Patterns in Adults from a Mediterranean Area.

    Nutrients 13 -. .


  • Bermúdez-López M; Martínez-Alonso M; Castro-Boqué E; Betriu À; Cambray S; Farràs C; Barbé F; Pamplona R; Lecube A; Mauricio D; Purroy F; Valdivielso JM; Fernández E; ILERVAS project collaborators

    Subclinical atheromatosis localization and burden in a low-to-moderate cardiovascular risk population: the ILERVAS study.



  • Ruano R; Zorzano-Martinez M; Campos A; Rius F; Hernández M

    Subacute thyroiditis might be a complication triggered by SARS-CoV-2.

    Endocrinologia, diabetes y nutricion 68 755-756. .


  • Castelblanco E; Hernández M; Ortega E; Amigó N; Real J; Granado-Casas M; Miñambres I; Lopez C; Lecube A; Bermúdez-López M; Alonso N; Julve J; Mauricio D

    Outstanding improvement of the advanced lipoprotein profile in subjects with new-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus after achieving optimal glycemic control.



  • Bretón I; de Hollanda A; Vilarrasa N; Rubio Herrera MA; Lecube A; Salvador J; García-Luna PP; Tinahones FJ; Sánchez Santos R; Gómez Huelgas R; Carretero Gómez J; Moizé V; Polo García J; Tranche Iparraguirre S; Fernández-Pro Ledesma A; Escalada J

    Obesity and COVID-19. A necessary position statement.

    Endocrinologia, diabetes y nutricion 68 573-576. .


  • Caixas, A; Lecube, A; Tinahones, FJ

    Evidence-based recommendations on physical exercise inpersons with obesity Reply

    MEDICINA CLINICA 157 315-315. .
