Biological foundations of mental disorders

The Group comprises mainly members of the Psychiatry service of the Santa Maria University Hospital, Lleida and biomedical research is conducted by sub-teams that share a common interest in the study of the biological bases of various mental disorders, mainly bipolar disorder, psychotic disorder and personality disorder.
Featured publications
Gelonch, O; Garolera, M; Valls, J; Castella, G; Varela, O; Rossello, L; Pifarre, J
The effect of depressive symptoms on cognition in patients with fibromyalgia
PLOS ONE 13 -. .
Vicent-Gil, M; Keymer-Gausset, A; Serra-Blasco, M; Carceller-Sindreu, M; de Diego-Adelino, J; Trujols, J; Mur, M; Perez, V; Alvarez, E; Cardoner, N; Portella, MJ
Cognitive predictors of illness course at 12 months after first-episode of depression
European Neuropsychopharmacology 28 529-537. .
Responsable/s de grup

Maria Mur Lain
Hospital Universitari de Santa Maria