An article from the Cell Signalling and Apoptosis group was selected for its relevance in the investigation of molecular and biochemical mechanisms for the survival of ischaemic episodes

For the special issue of the official journal of the European Federation of Biochemical Societies

The official journal of the European Federation of Biochemical Societies (FEBS Journal) has chosen an article published by the Cell Signalling and Apoptosis group of the Universitat de Lleida and the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Lleida (IRBLleida), along with 2 other original articles and 11 reviews to be part of a special collection published this July on the impact of developmental pathways on diseases. Specifically, the journal has selected the article 'Cardiac fibroblasts display endurance to ischemia, high ROS control and elevated respiration regulated by the JAK2/STAT pathway'. The research identified molecular and biochemical mechanisms of ischemia survival developed by cardiac fibroblasts that may be therapeutic targets in myocardial infarction.

"The data presented point to possible targets for the regulation of cardiac fibrosis and also open up the possibility of a general mechanism by which the cells necessary to respond to ischaemia are constitutively adapted to survive it," explained Daniel Sanchis Morales, head of the Cell Signalling and Apoptosis group.

The FEBS Journal's thematic collection 'Developmental pathways in disease' highlights publications covering a wide range of topics focused on research into molecular and cellular signalling pathways. These networks can be disrupted or activated at the wrong time or in the wrong tissues, which can lead to a range of diseases.

"It is a recognition of the work done and an honour to have a paper published here, out of the hundreds that the journal publishes annually, selected to be part of a specific collection," added Dr Sanchis.

Article: Beà A, Valero JG, Irazoki A, Lana C, López-Lluch G, Portero-Otín M, Pérez-Galán P, Inserte J, Ruiz-Meana M, Zorzano A, Llovera M, Sanchis D. Cardiac fibroblasts display endurance to ischemia, high ROS control and elevated respiration regulated by the JAK2/STAT pathway. FEBS J. 2022 May;289(9):2540-2561. doi: 10.1111/febs.16283. Epub 2021 Nov 28. PMID: 34796659.

Cell signalling and apoptosis group