A study relates the presence of alterations of the pulmonary function with a better prognosis of the patients with acute coronary syndrome

The project has been coordinated by the head of the Service of Pneumology of the University Hospital Arnau of Vilanova and main researcher of the group 35 of the Centre of Investigación Biomédica Red Enfermedades Respiratorias, Ferran Barbé

A study, coordinated by researchers from Lleida, has related the presence of alterations of the pulmonary function and, for example the apnoea of the sleep, with a better prognosis of the patients with acute coronary syndrome. In concrete, the study shows that there is a clinical phenotype of subjects with acute coronary syndrome (SCA) in which the presence of alterations of the pulmonary function and others comorbilities respiratory could associate with a better prognosis in the short term -determinate for a shorter stay in a coronary unit- that is independent of the gravity of the underlying event.

The study, published to the Journal of Thoracic Disease, has been coordinated by Ferran Barbé, main researcher of the group 35 of the Centre of Investigación Biomédica  Red Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES), any of the Service of Pneumology of the University Hospital Arnau of Vilanova (HUAV), teacher of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lleida and responsible of the group of research Research translacional in respiratory medicine of the Institute of Research Biomèdica of Lleida (IRBLleida).