Fundación Occident Programme to support the drafting of scientific projects

Writing a successful research project is a complex task that goes beyond identifying important unresolved scientific questions and designing a feasible and complete experimental plan. Grant proposals, both national and international, must include detailed information on aspects that are not central to the scientific design such as the proposed budget balance, data management plan, alignment with the strategic lines of the National Health System or Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and gender aspects.

With the aim of improving the quality of the proposals of the research staff, a support programme for the development of research projects has been established at the IRBLleida. The programme is structured in 8 separate modules that aim to give detailed support to all the sections of the proposal, and researchers are free to participate in those modules in which they need specific support.

This programme, fully funded by the Fundación Occident (Fundación Occident IRBLleida Programme), is open to all research staff, but is particularly aimed at young researchers at the Institute who are faced with the need to write their first research project.

If you are interested in any of the modules of the Programme, please contact projects(ELIMINAR)