The IRBLleida, in the Condis supermarkets' Solidarity Donation 2025 campaign
It will go to health and research projects in Catalonia
The Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida (IRBLleida) is one of the eight centres selected by Condis for its 2025 solidarity round-up campaign, which will focus on health. At an event held this Wednesday, 15 January, at the Abbey of Montserrat, as part of the Millennium of the Monastery's Foundation, the eight hospitals in Catalonia that will receive the funds raised were presented. The proceeds will be used for medical research, prevention and patient and family support projects.
Among the selected centres is the Institute of Biomedical Research of Lleida (IRBLleida), which works to improve healthcare through biomedical research. This institution will allocate the resources to the project 'Support for the Lleida Clinical Trials Unit', presented by its managing director, Eva Montserrat López.
The aim this year is to promote different medical research, prevention and support programmes for thousands of patients and their families throughout Catalonia. Thus, customers of the chain's supermarkets will have the opportunity to round up the amount of their shopping receipt to give the remaining cents to the different programmes of scientific research, health prevention and support for patients in these hospitals.
Other hospitals will also receive support, such as: Hospital del Valle de Hebrón, Hospital Clínic and Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, in Barcelona; ParcTaulí Hospital Universitari, in Sabadell; Centro Hospitalario-Fundació Althaia, in Manresa; Hospital Universitari Doctor Josep Trueta, in Girona; and Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, in Badalona.
Solidarity rounding allows the customers of these supermarkets to give the remaining cents of the purchase ticket through card or mobile payment. Since it was implemented in 2018, more than two and a half million micro-donations have been made, generating more than 600,000 euros for 34 social projects.

The manager of IRBLleida, Eva López Truco, took part in the presentation of the campaign