Nearly 350 people participate in the 11 scientific workshops 'IRBLleida en route'

They took place from April to September in the county capitals of Lleida thanks to the support of the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació

Nearly 350 people have participated in the 11 scientific workshops 'IRBLleida en route' held from April to September in the county capitals of Lleida: les Borges Blanques, Balaguer, Tàrrega, Cervera, Mollerussa, Solsona, el Pont de Suert, la Seu d'Urgell, Sort, Vielha and Tremp. With the aim of bringing research closer to the population and children, research staff from the Institute of Biomedical Research of Lleida (IRBLleida) have prepared scientific workshops to show what mice look like inside, to find out what's inside our boss, to learn what an X-ray is or to build their DNA, among other things.

This project has been supported by the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació, the FCRI (Joan Oró 2023 Call), with a grant of €11,000. "It has been very gratifying to go to the county capitals to facilitate access to research and scientific workshops, as these activities are often only offered in Lleida," explained one of the researchers leading the project, Anaïs Panosa.

"The scientific workshops allow us to explain our research work and, at the same time, demonstrate the importance of science in our daily lives," said another of the researchers involved in the initiative, Arabela Sanz.

IRBLleida en ruta' is a project to improve territorial inequality in Poniente and bring biomedical research closer to the 11 county capitals of the region. The proposal aims to bring scientific dissemination

The workshops have been held in les Borges Blanques, Balaguer, Tàrrega, Cervera, Mollerussa, Solsona, el Pont de Suert, la Seu d'Urgell, Sort, Vielha and Tremp