Xavier Matias-Guiu, new president of the International Society of Gynaecologic Pathologists

It is a worldwide scientific society of professionals with a common interest in the pathology of the female reproductive system

Xavier Matias-Guiu Guia, head of the Oncological pathology group at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Lleida (IRBLleida), is the new president of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists (ISGYP) since 14 March, for the period 2021-23. The ISGYP (International Society of Gynecological Pathologists) is a worldwide scientific society of professionals with a common interest in the pathology of the female reproductive system. The Society was founded in 1976 to facilitate the exchange of knowledge on gynaecological diseases and to be a forum for the dissemination of new information in this area.

Among the objectives set by Dr. Matias-Guiu, head of the Pathology Department at the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital in Lleida and Bellvitge University Hospital, and professor at the University of Lleida (UdL), is to promote the exchange of knowledge on gynaecological diseases and include maintaining the virtual programme, regardless of the current epidemiological situation, increasing the dissemination of the ISGYP in all geographical areas of the world, especially in countries where it is less established, especially in countries where it is less established, increase the relationship with associations of patients with gynaecological cancer worldwide and promote a multicentre study worldwide to provide scientific evidence to optimise the staging or evolutionary period of endometrial cancer.

The ISGYP is the global interlocutor for issues related to the pathology of gynaecological cancers. It has a training programme in Gynaecological Pathology for pathologists from all over the world, with meetings organised jointly with the American-Canadian Division of the International Academy of Pathology (USCAP), the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), the International Gynaecological Cancer Society (IGCS) and the European Society of Pathology (ESP), among others. For the last year, the ISGYP has promoted virtual training, through the ISGYP-life programme, with four monthly sessions, which has been very popular in all geographical areas. ISGYP's own publication is the International Journal of Gynecological Pathology.

Text: Communication from the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital in Lleida.

The researcher, Xavier Matias-Guiu. Image: Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital in Lleida