
Researchers Night 2024

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Jesús Montoliu Memorial Extraordinary Day

Dr. Susana Cadenas from the Mitochondrial Physiopathology group at the Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Center in Madrid. "UCP3, a mitochondrial protein with cardioprotective capacity during ischemia-reperfusion"

15th Research Conference of the Catalan Institute of Health

"Breathing the future: challenges and research strategies in respiratory diseases"

II Jornadas de las plataformas ISCIII de apoyo a la I+D+i en Biomedicina y Ciencias de la Salud

Lleida is hosting the 'II Jornadas de las plataformas ISCIII de apoyo a la I+D+i en Biomedicina y Ciencias de la Salud', which will take place at the Llotja Conference Centre on 28, 29 and 30 October 2024.

4th IRBLleida Annual Scientific Symposium

On 13th December 2024 the "4th Annual Scientific Symposium" will take place at the Llotja de Lleida. This symposium aims to improve the visibility of the research carried out by the different research groups at IRBLleida.