Vascular and renal translational research group

Vascular and Renal Translational Research (VRTR) Group from the IRBLleida is a multidisciplinary group with basic and clinical scientists working in an integrated environment. The main focus of our research group is the identification of factors involved in the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular complications in CKD from the basic/translational and the clinical point of view. Through an array of diverse experimental approaches that include molecular biology, biochemistry, in vivo animal models of disease in rodents and swine, and state-of-the-art vascular imaging techniques, scientists of VRTR group join their efforts in solving challenging scientific problems.
VRTR group has been successfully leading the NEFRONA and ILERVAS project, with main objective in investigating vascular disease and hidden kidney disease. VRTR group holds collaborations with various international research groups in the USA, Canada, Netherlands, Italy and France. Researchers from the VRTR group are actively involved in several national and international EU-funded consortia.
Featured publications
Abajo M; Betriu À; Arroyo D; Gracia M; Del Pino MD; Martínez I; Valdivielso JM; Fernández E
Mineral metabolism factors predict accelerated progression of common carotid intima-media thickness in chronic kidney disease: the NEFRONA study
Valdivielso JM; Betriu A; Martinez-Alonso M; Arroyo D; Bermudez-Lopez M; Fernandez E
Factors predicting cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease patients. Role of subclinical atheromatosis extent assessed by vascular ultrasound
PLOS ONE 12 -. .
Responsable/s de grup

Jose Manuel Valdivielso Revilla
Biomedicine I / Biomedicina I
1st floor / 1ra planta