IRBLleida collaborates with the development of the 'ResepCell-J' project

To promote learning and innovation in science and technology

The Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Lleida (IRBLleida) is a collaborating entity of the TorreVicens Institute of Lleida to develop the project 'RespCell-J', successfully selected to the VII call of CaixaBanc Dualiza and FPEmpresa.

The initiative, developed with the collaboration of the IES Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro de Cuenca and the IRBLleida researcher Jose Serrano, has received a grant of 15,607 € to promote learning and innovation in the scientific and technological fields.

The aim of the project is to promote learning and innovation in scientific and technological fields. Thanks to the support of CaixaBank Dualiza and FPEmpresa, students will have the opportunity to actively participate in scientific and technological research, addressing a real challenge posed by one of our research groups.

This project enriches student learning and fosters collaboration between educational institutions and research centers.

@caixabankdualiza @fp_empresa @irblleida @salud_fp

#DualEducation #ScientificInnovation #learning #future #ProfessionalTraining #dualizahelp #DualizaCall #RespCell-J #specializationcourse #cellularcultures #laboratory

Technical conference of the project at IRBLleida