Nearly 200 people attended the 3rd Annual IRBLleida Scientific Symposium

The conference featured a guest lecture by the director of the CRG research centre, Luis Serrano Pubul

On 15 December, around 200 people attended the 3rd Annual Scientific Symposium of the IRBLleida, which took place at the Llotja de Lleida. This was an internal scientific symposium in which IRBLleida's research staff presented their research in the form of communications, publications and posters.

The day began with the inauguration by the director of IRBLleida, Diego Arango del Corro, the head of research and innovation at the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital in Lleida, Albert Lecube Torrelló, the president of the Lleida Provincial Council, Joan Talarn Gilabert, and the vice-rector for research at the University of Lleida, Natàlia Alonso Martínez. The director of IRBLleida then presented the results of the 2023 institute.

The conference featured a guest lecture by the director of the CRG research centre, Luis Serrano Pubul.

The symposium continued with the research presentations of each area of the IRBLleida. Then it was the turn of the 5 outstanding communications, chosen from those that had been previously presented.

In the afternoon, the symposium prizes were awarded (for the best papers, posters and publications of 2023) and certificates were presented to the winners of the different calls of the year.

The day ended with the talk Hypatia I, opening the space to women, by the Lleida researcher, Carla Conejo.

Award-winning research staff at the conference