INspiracy Lleida, the first day in Lleida to promote interest in science among students in the first year of the baccalaureate

Organised by the IRBLleida, the Institute of Education Sciences of the UdL and the BCNspiracy team

The Institute of Biomedical Research of Lleida (IRBLleida) is organising, together with the BCNspiracy team and the Institute of Education Sciences of the University of Lleida, the first edition of INspiracy Lleida, a day to promote the spirit of research among first-year high school students in the Ponent area, as well as to raise awareness of the research carried out in Lleida. The conference will take place on Friday 25 March in the Auditorium of the Centre for Cultures and Cross-Border Cooperation (Cappont Campus of the University of Lleida), in a classroom format following the COVID-19 measures of the UdL, and also in an online format through the YouTube channel BCNspiracy.

BCNspiracy is a statewide non-profit science outreach event organised in Barcelona since 2017 by professionals in science research and outreach. Among the sessions of BCNspiracy is INspiracy, which aims to promote interest in science among young students. This edition of INspiracy Lleida is funded with the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) - Ministry of Science and Innovation.

The day will begin with 4 talks by science communicators of national relevance, such as Dolores Bueno López, who will talk about atomic models; Saül Pascual-Diaz, who will talk about neuroscience; Aroa Casado Rodríguez will explain the information that can be obtained by studying bones, or Alfred López, who will highlight the role of women in the history of science. Next, it will be the turn to learn about biomedical, biotechnological and agricultural research in Lleida from research staff in training or junior postdoctoral research staff. Students will learn about research into rare diseases, plant biotechnology, embryo transfer and the use of flies to cure cancer.

The final part of the day will feature a round table discussion with one person representing each of the CERCA centres in the Lleida area: the IRBLleida, the Agrotechnology Research Centre (Agrotecnio), the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) and the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia.

Following the feminist and pro-diversity tradition that characterises BCNspiracy, this edition will once again highlight several important women scientists in the history and current affairs of science, as well as people from other areas of diversity (LGTBI+, racialisation, functional diversity...). Each speaker selects one of these personalities, who will be announced to the public before each talk. All this is accompanied by a campaign on social networks where this information is expanded weekly so that anyone who wants to know more can do so in a convenient way.

can do it in a comfortable way. In addition, BCNspiracy has the collaboration of PRISMA, an association for affective-sexual and gender diversity in science, technology and innovation.

INspiracy Lleida programme:

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Text: Communication and Press IRBLleida