3ª Jornada de Práctica Clínica de Valor en Ginecología y Obstetricia (Arnau Gine Valor 3): ABORDAJE QUIRÚRGICO MULTIDISCIPLINAR DE LA ENDOMETRIOSIS
- Date
- Friday, March 14, 2025
- Teachers
Montse Cubo Abert, Laia Jareño Vicens, Julià Àlvarez Puig, Ana Calvo, Marta Simó González
The Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department of the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital of Lleida is firmly committed to clinical practice of value and to promote it we propose to hold conferences on various topics in our speciality with an impact on the quality of life of our patients: the Arnau Gine Valor Conference.
This third edition is eminently surgical and we will deal with the subject of the multidisciplinary approach to deep endometriosis. Our aim is to enable participants to acquire knowledge and resources to improve their skills in the management of complex gynaecological surgeries, both foreseeable and unforeseeable, such as unexpected intraoperative findings. We will have the participation of various specialists with extensive experience in the different areas involved in the surgical management of deep endometriosis: benign gynaecology, gynaecological oncology, general surgery, coloproctology and urology, who will share their experience and relevant issues for the approach in complex gynaecological surgery, such as deep endometriosis.
- METHODOLOGY: the conference will be developed around 3 thematic tables in which experts will share their knowledge and experience in relation to: surgical anatomy and nerve sparing, dissection of avascular spaces in normal and complex situations, and resection of deep endometriosis nodules with visceral involvement, and, finally, we will learn useful tricks for the approach of complex gynaecological surgeries.
- DATE: Friday 14 March 2025.
- SCHEDULE: from 8 am to 3 pm.
- VENUE: Classroom format. Lecture Hall Hospital Universitario Arnau de Vilanova. Avenida Alcalde Rovira Roure 80. Lleida.